Above water

Hello, Hello,

My ROYALBOILER art book is sent off to the nice folks at Image comics, with just the spine to finish up tonight.

Here’s the Outro-comic I made for the end of the book:



Also I made a couple diary comics. The first one’s an older one from when I was last in Vegas.




I drew that last one in a hotel room in Vancouver — that me and Alejandra went up to for a small convention. my old Homies and former YOSH roomates Marley Zarcone and the elusive recluse James Stokoe were the main guests– sooo good to see those guys again (and the rest of the Vancouver crew) and see the new stuff they’re working on in meatspace.

I bullied poor James into drawing something in my sketchbook:


and speaking of my sketchbook here’s some pages from it–

Golgo 13low


coffee coffeelow

That last page I drew today –taking notes on panel ideas and characters from 1982’s BLUE FIGHTER by  Jiro Taniguchi, on Art—-whose Walking man manga I talked about in the last post,and Marley Caribu, who wrote the Oldboy manga on Story.

The cover drawing looks like a young Willem Dafoe

Blue cover.jpg

The book has a manga-americana feeling to the whole thing. I feel like it would be fun to make a book for a foreign market and try to make the MOST american feeling thing.  but maybe it’s better from outsiders. Like when Muñoz and Sampayo did their Alack Sinner book set in NYC before they’d ever visited the states.

Anyway Blue fighter has some great scenes that just feel like they’re there to set mood. Also I know it was done years before Walking man, but I didn’t even recognise the art until I looked it up.

blue motor.jpg

The main character is a boxer named Reggae

Blue reggae

later in the final fight of the book, Reggae is knocked down- and we get this Jazz and Reggae and Tibetan(?) and camels (???) montage

blue marley

Something I really liked in the book was this way to show time passing in the boxing matches with the rounds over the drawings.

Blue 3R.jpg

I hit up a couple comic stores yesterday with my pal Joe and found this old Paul Pope interview.

Pope Feature cover

I like reading Pope’s 1995 plans for his career. I’m always trying to remind myself how many options I have to take my work in any direction I want. Early in his career Pope would often talk about how he was learning by researching different types of art and comics and what work of his he regarded as failures (but still published) it gave a nice feeling of seeing an artist at work.

And in the interview some early THB drawings I hadn’t seen before, here’s the table of contents page.

Pope THB1

and a couple others.

pope THB

Aside from that I picked up some other books this week:

this week.jpg

Ex-Mutants and Stark Future are books I’m always looking through dollar bins for. I haven’t read the issues I got yet, I’m sure they will be excellent!

I haven’t read the new issue of Farel’s Proxima book yet either– this issue has a nice Simon Roy pin up on the back. coooool.


I did read the title story in the DHP ROMA issue (also found in a dollar bin)

ROMA was done by John Workman, who mostly just does lettering these days– he lettered Pope’s Heavy Liquid and Keatinge and Del Duca’s Shutter.

This story is drawn landscape (sideways) and might be the best use of that format that I’ve ever seen.

workman spread.jpg


Such pretty pages!

The Workman stuff reminds me of another comic I read this week– Mr Inkstuds was also selling books at the con I was at and gave me a couple bound Heavy metal books. With stories by Italian comic artist Bruno Brindisi. (who according to Wikipedia has drawn 39 Dylan Dog stories)

Here’s his name on this helpful Dylan Dog chart


His Heavy Metal Stories, Bit Degeneration are like early 90’s casual cyberpunk, that follow a Heavymetalish lady named Axel.- she has spray on clothes and pasties that wink at people.

HM spray and wink

I like the look of her apartment.

HM noooode

Here’s a page where a robot stripper removes her body parts after she takes off her clothes.

HM stripper

I remember this stuff being especially exciting to me when it came out, because one of the scenes is based off of a bus tunnel in my hometown of Seattle.(panel 6 below)

HM seattle

Aside from an issue of Pete Bagge’s HATE, where he put Fallout records and comics in it, this was one of the 1st times I’d seen a place I’d been to in a comic. and in the all exciting Heavy metal no less.


seattle one

also in the line of his reference a robot Sigmund Freud shows up in the comic.

HM Sigmond.jpg

— In other newds I just discovered that there is a Brigitte Bardot statue in Saint-Tropez based off of a Milo Manara painting.


and Manara’s painting.


And Manara playing “got your nose” with it. Boop.


Some more Manara /Bardot


This sent me down a statues of comic artists drawings rabbithole.

There’s a bunch of Leiji Matsumoto statues.

LLeji stat

more LL

Herge hanging out with a Tintin statue


And Rumiko Takahashi with Lum



I wonder if anyone’s made a list…

Anyway, here is an Asterix truck that I found a photo of on the internet.–thanks for reading.


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17 Responses to Above water

  1. Andrew Nisbet says:

    I have driven and walked past that transit spot in Seattle so many times and never knew it was there.

  2. Mike Greene says:

    Your blog posts remind me why I love the internet. Sometimes I forget. I miss blogs and message boards. “Newer” Social media like Twitter, FB, Insta, Tumblr, just doesn’t have the same community feel as the old comics community on the web. Blogs and message boards man…

  3. Joseph Elliott-Coleman says:

    Looking forward to holding the book in my hands, Brandon.

  4. Robin Bougie says:

    What an awesome post. So much to read and look at.

  5. Scott Kroll says:

    When Stark Future switched artists around issue 9, they had this back-up comic called Salvage Police that I totally loved. The art isn’t amazing, but I just loved the style. I looked to see if that artist did anything else, but looks like he didn’t do much after that. I’m curious to know what you think of it.

  6. Jeremy Allen says:

    It’s always a treat to get inside your head for a bit – you have such sights and thoughts about comics I’d never consider, and I always come away with some artist or comic I’ve never heard of. Cheers!

  7. Lucas says:

    Yeah. That was a good one. I even read all the comics. Thanks for sharing.

  8. fareld says:

    great post, amigo. i love that you are doing these again.

  9. becauseineedthis says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us. Blogging takes work and it also requires the reader to be engaged – I need more of this in my life. Thank you for helping me slow down. Can’t wait to read more soon!

  10. BIRD says:

    MAN I missed these blog posts.This is dynamite. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  11. JR says:

    Greetings, is there a Prophet hardcover in the works?

    • Brandon says:

      There isn’t unfortunately. When I last talked with Image about it they said that the sales of the first trade were good but didn’t think the sales of the series as a whole would warrent a hardcover.

  12. mecha says:

    Glad to see you back at it.
    I hope your in better spirits.
    tbh I’ve been having trouble picking your books up again. I dont want to have my memories reading your stuff to be buried in the drama. But seeing you get back to work. I think ill give the new multiple warheads a read.
    Missed your noiresque first person blog posts man.

    • Brandon says:

      I’m still making comics and moving on with my life.
      I’d hope that people’s enjoyment on my work is based on the work & not on whatever kafkaesque bullshit people on the internet decide to be mad at me about.

      I want to do more of these this year.

      • mecha says:

        Looking forward to it.
        Still have great memories attached to your work. I’ll be a fan for as long as you pump em out.
        Sucks i have to put a fake moustache on to buy your stuff now lol jk.
        Stay woke and look after yourself.

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